Good things often come with a price, right? And, the best example of this is sex. Sex is one of the most pleasurable things but often comes with a baggage of getting an unwanted pregnancy.
Women who have an active sexual life are constantly under the fear of getting pregnant. But, the best part is that nature gives you a calculator which gives you a safe period to enjoy your sex life.
In earlier days, people would often resort to a natural safe period to avoid pregnancy. So, with the right knowledge, you can enjoy your life without any mental barriers or pressures of conception.
As they say, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
In this post, you would be getting to know the nitty-gritty of having sex without the fear of getting unwanted conception unless you intend to go for it
What is the safe period for having sex?
Your menstrual cycle starts with the first day of your period till the first day of your next period. Normally, the menstrual cycle for more than 90% of women is of 28 days.
The safe period to have sex is from day 1 to day 7 and from day 21 till when your cycle ends. But, this calculation is valid only when your cycle is of 28 days, if it is longer than your safe period is not reliable.
The Fertility Period
Menstrual cycle has plenty of infertile days at the beginning followed by a few days of fertility period which again ends up into infertile period just before the next cycle.
The right understanding of three phases of the menstrual cycle in detail is must to understand the safe days. So, here you go:
- The pre-ovulatory phase: This phase begins with the day soon after your menses get over. This phase extends till when the ovulation happens. The ovulation usually happens on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle considering it to be of 28 days.Safe Period: The first seven days are safe as there is no egg waiting in the uterus to receive the sperm. Although the actual ovulation happens on the 14th day yet, there are chances of pre-ovulation or post-ovulation due to various factors. And, the sperm takes about three to five days to travel to meet the egg. Hence, only first seven days are considered safe.
- Ovulatory Phase: It is the fertile phase of the cycle with maximum chances of conception. Usually, the process of ovulation occurs between the 10th and 19thday of menstrual cycle. During this phase, the pregnancy supporting hormones are released at their peak level by the female body. In this phase, the uterus lining thickens to receive the egg which sticks on to the inner wall of the uterus.Although, the science behind menstruation suggest that ovulation happens in this phase only, yet, the challenges like a longer menstrual cycle and hormonal imbalances may cause a variation in ovulation
- It is no way safe to have unprotected sex during this phase. One needs to depend upon solid preventive measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy during this phase.
- Post-ovulatory phase: It starts from the 22nd day and extends till when the menstrual cycle breaks into a period. It is again considered to be a safe phase for having unprotected sex. The egg has degenerated by now and the body is getting ready to remove the excess inner lining of the uterus through bleeding.This method works out for those whose menstrual cycle lasts for 26 days to 32 days, and, for those whose menses are regular with a variation of 7 to 10 days.
Tip: There is ovulation detecting kit available at the medical stores. You can use it to detect your LT (Luteinizing Hormone) which will help you gauge your ovulation. The hormonal level in woman’s body is its highest right before ovulation.The chances of pregnancy are the highest when you have unprotected sex before five days of ovulation. But, having unprotected sex soon after and before menses is the considered to be the safest period.
This calendar method has been used by women for decades now, but remember that this calculation does not work out if your menstrual cycle is shorter than 27 days. This is a scientific guideline followed to prevent unwanted pregnancy but it is surely not a fool proof method. The chances of unexpected ovulation are always there due to hormonal imbalances or due to invariable change in the duration of a menstrual cycle. Hence, it would be wise to be on guard and to keep tracking your menstrual patterns every month. Also, you should consider consulting your doctor for some physical preventive measures or some spermicidal applicants.
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